Wisconsin Weightlifting


April 2020 Update

Hello Wisconsin Weightlifters,

This weekend feels a bit empty; the annual Wisconsin State Championship is a weekend we look forward to every year. While the meet is postponed in the short-term, we have every intent to officially reschedule once Safer at Home orders are lifted and the weightlifting community (and greater community in general) feel it is safe to hold events. The health and safety of our Wisconsin Weightlifting membership is our #1 priority during the pandemic.

2020 Weightlifting Calendar:

At this time, there is uncertainty state-wide and nationally how long the pandemic and safer at home orders will last. As soon as the situation is clear, the WI LWC will work fast to reschedule meets and send communication to the membership. This includes the Wisconsin State Championship, Badger State Games, and the meet traditionally held in December.

Once orders are lifted and gyms reopen, enough time will be provided to ensure athletes can train leading up to the first meet.

Annual Membership Meeting:

The annual membership meeting will be rescheduled and held in conjunction with the Wisconsin State Championship.

LWC Board Nominations/Voting:

This year, Wisconsin weightlifters will vote on LWC President, Competition Chair, and Athlete Representative. In March, an email was sent calling for nominations. Nominated individuals received an email and had until April 3rd to accept. The election period will begin Monday, April 6th and be open for 1 week. Each current LWC member will receive a ballot via email.

Supporting Gyms and Small Businesses:

Please continue to do what you can to support your local gym and weightlifting club. In addition, as a result of the pandemic, legislation was recently passed to financially support businesses. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides relief for small businesses that have trouble covering payroll and operating expenses because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please consult a financial professional for more details; this may include the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA), your banking/loan officer, and/or your accountant.

Be sure to follow and tag Wisconsin Weightlifting on Instagram (@wisconsinweightlifting) and Facebook (Wisconsin Weightlifting). Let the Wisconsin Weightlifting community know how you #KeepLifting.

Got a meet, seminar, or other weightlifting event you'd like added to this site?